For years many of us have commuted daily to places of work where we have sat and wished that we were, in fact, still at home in our pyjamas working remotely.
Then along came a global pandemic which forced the UK government to order everyone to stay at home unless it was absolutely crucial to travel to a public workplace, and overnight our normal working routines were dramatically transformed.
Fourteen weeks later, many of us are still continuing to work from home and with the knowledge that we will be social distancing for the foreseeable future, it is vitally important that charities implement measures in order to support their staff.
Tips for managing staff remotely
Implement a homeworking policy
Set clear expectations
Agree ways of working
Trust the staff team to work independently
Check employee rights
Confirm contact methods and regularity
Provide suitable equipment ie laptops
Confirm IT support and contribution towards broadband costs
Ensure remote access to work systems
Ensure staff continue to comply with the organisation's health and safety policy
Carry out risk assessment of all work activities
Review working times and introduce flexibility
Clarify salaries, allowances, benefits
Maintain data protection
Use video conferencing to stay in touch with staff with regular meetings
Share information
Increase levels of communication
Check on staff wellbeing regularly
Continuous review of working arrangements
Tips for working from home for staff
Establish a flexible routine that suits the individual
Be disciplined
Devise a list of priorities at the start of the week and daily
Create a dedicated workplace
Close the door at the end of the working day
Ensure workspace is correctly set up for comfort ie footrest
Take regular breaks
Go out for a walk and fresh air
Stay connected to colleagues
Ask for help
Socialise virtually
Set boundaries with other members of the household
Turn off phone notifications
Don't allow household chores to be a distraction
Dress as you would for going in to the office
Turn work phone off at the end of the working day
Close down computer / laptop when finished
Further resources for employers:-
Further resources for staff:-